Male incontinence – let’s give men the support they need

When it comes to incontinence, too many men are still staying silent. This can be due to stigma, or uncertainty around what support is available. Studies show that 1 in 4 men experience some form of urine leakage(1), but only 5-7% use purpose-made protection(2). To help men get the support they need, we collected some useful information around male incontinence and the products available. This will help you provide more accurate product recommendations while building loyalty and trust.

Understanding how men feel about incontinence

At TENA, we talk to thousands of men every year. This helps us truly understand how men think and feel about incontinence. Our studies show that there is a lack of knowledge around the prevalence of urine leakage. There is also a lack of awareness about the support available. In fact, 2 out of 3 men are unaware that they can buy incontinence products specifically designed for men(3).

Our studies also show that while urine leakage may be a sensitive topic, 3 in 5 men want to discuss bladder weakness with a healthcare professional(4). In addition, 1 in 3 men would prefer to speak to a pharmacist than book a doctor’s appointment(5). This shows that, as a pharmacist, you have a unique opportunity to leverage your role as a trusted health expert and help men stay active.

Talking to men about incontinence

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Protection specifically designed for men

We have a wide range of TENA products specifically designed for men. Available in different styles, sizes and absorption levels, they provide discreet protection against leakages and odours while providing comfort and confidence. Being able to recommend the right products and offer useful advice will help men find the right solutions for their needs. This will also build trust in your expertise and loyalty for your pharmacy.

Explore TENA for men
An image showing a selection of TENA incontinence products for men.
. An image showing a selection of TENA incontinence products for men.

Protection specifically designed for men

We have a wide range of TENA products specifically designed for men. Available in different styles, sizes and absorption levels, they provide discreet protection against leakages and odours while providing comfort and confidence. Being able to recommend the right products and offer useful advice will help men find the right solutions for their needs. This will also build trust in your expertise and loyalty for your pharmacy.

Explore TENA for men


  1. Male Urinary Incontinence Prevalence Study 2013 (US,UK,DE,IT,FR,MX,RU).
  2. Irwin DE et al, Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. Worldwide prevalence estimates of lower urinary tract symptoms, overactive bladder, urinary incontinence and bladder outlet obstruction. September 14; 2010
  3. Gfk. Male Consumer Journey, DE, 2012. Data on file.
  4. Men Consumer Journey research, 2012, Germany, 608 interviews
  5. Healthwatch Cornwall, Community Pharmacies in, Cornwall Report, October 2015

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Product fitting guides

Our instructional fitting guides support you to provide dignified care by showing you how to best apply and fit our products. Proper and efficient product handling increases leakage security, comfort and the wellbeing of the product user.
A person wearing ProSkin Pants, adjusting the waistband while standing.

Total security with new TENA ProSkin Pants

Superior protection, faster absorption and better skin health
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Better support for family carers and better business for you

With over 60 years’ experience supporting carers, TENA understands the reality family carers face.